Friday, June 4, 2010

Publication Ceased Until Summer Term

This will be the last issue of the Dunyun until summer term when we will be replacing the Daily Dunyun with the Irregular Dunyun. We leave you with some inspiration on how to spend your summer term, our plans, and a final article.

James Engle '11 wanted to be original in his summer plans, so he decided to take an internship in New York City. The thing that he can't wait for more than anything else is to go out to bars and hear his finance friends talk about how much work they have, and how much money they have. But how it's justified that they have so much money, because they have so much work. And how the hours really aren't that bad, once you get used to them. He hopes to avoid the asshole virus by washing his hands after every time he touches somebody wearing a suit.

Frannie Mays '11 will be tripping balls on 5-hour energy at all times, looking for ways to make bitchery profitable as it is her only usable skill (internship with Omarosa?), and reuniting with Waffle House. She will also be terrorizing our youth in the sweltering heat of the tobacco industry hellhole known as Durham, NC. She will hit bull and win a steak. She regrets to inform you she is unavailable for 10X booty calls.

Stephen Briggs '12 is returning to the birthplace of Jon Bon Jovi for a fortnight, politely asking his Grandmother to remove sleeves from all his shirts and then returning to the Bubble for 10X. Briggs is currently holding one class, Astro 4: Staring Down Stars but may take more! He hopes to finally learn how to swim this Summer, discover where Hillel is (but still not stop by for Shabbot, sorry Grandma) and pick a perfect Masters bracket (July Madness). Oh yeah and frat frat frat.

Jayson Doubleday '13 will be trying to learn how to correctly use blitz and waiting to steal blitz nicknames currently belonging to ‘10s over interim. He is returning to the largest city in America (land wise), where he will be napping competitively and looking for a new pickup line since "I write for the Dunyun" is unlikely to work. In his free time, he is making up for 19 years of light to moderate physical activity by doing calisthenics, running and wearing lax pinnies so that he can impress '14s on his DOC trip next fall. Go Braves.

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