The Dunyun held a Dun-on-Dun with the center of campus The Green.
How do you deal with the lack of attention in the Winter?
Jerk off.
What do you do with all the leftover Frisbees?
Donate them to Haiti.
Doesn’t every girl look better in a sundress?
Yes. Yes. Yes.
What’s your favorite season?
Sophomore Summer. So much ass.
What is your position on puppies?
Puppy-Style is awesome. It’s like Doggy-Style but a little cuter.
A lot of pressure. Most people don’t get it up.
Any Green legends Dartmouth should know about?
If you pee on the Green, you’ll hit your NRO.
Where does your name come from?
The color of the grass.
Do you have any nicknames?
The Face of Time. Quad-Stacker. The Scenario.
What’s your favorite movie?
Big Green. Hate the Knights.
Any final words?
Sig Ep runs The Green.
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