Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Witty Comment Solidifies Bid at Rush Event

At last Sunday's SAE Super Bowl event, John Angarola '14 clinched a spot in the SAE brotherhood with humorous commentary on the big game. After an errant throw by Steelers' quarterback Ben Roethlisberger, Angarola outlined to brothers in the vicinity the extent to which Roethlisberger sucks. According to Angarola, "Roethlisberger sucks hard core. He's so b-side. Like, the Sig Nu to Aaron Rogers' SAE. Right guys?"

Response to Angarola's quip was overwhelmingly positive. Jack Reiner '12 admired his grasp of the game, "John's hilarious. Plus he knows his football. There are a lot of people out there who think that Roethlisberger is a decent quarterback. Angarola hit the nail on the head: the guy sucks. Hard core. Did I mention how hilarious he is?"

As Angarola had hoped, his comment was followed by murmurs of approval and even talks of a bid next fall.

The favorable response inspired Angarola to cheer vigorously for the Packers, hollering "JACKED UP" after every Green Bay tackle and repeatedly informing members of the Pittsburgh secondary that they "belong at Cornell," before looking to brothers for approval.

Angarola's original comment had been directed at Michael O'Connor '13, who applauded his wit and courage, "Angarola managed to walk the line between flattering and being real. This is a kid who speaks his mind. Doesn't care what anyone thinks. It's refreshing when '14s don't desperately suck up to us."

Sources confirm that O'Connor had been wearing a Packers Jersey and yelling profanities at the Pittsburgh quarterback for most of the first half. "Always nice to meet a fellow Pack fan who knows his shit," said O'Connor, adding, "This guy belongs in SAE, no doubt about it."

Reiner was especially impressed with Young's knowledge of the Greek system and its terminology. "I mean, 'b-side'? Sig Nu comparisons? I thought only brothers spoke that way. I can't help but respect the man."

Angarola spent the majority of the game hovering around the drinks, slapping Rush Chair Aaron Bachman '12 on the back after big plays. When other '14s headed downstairs for pong, Angarola stayed put, complimenting Bachman on his "quality beer choice."

Reportedly, Angarola was also seen at Chi Gam and the Fahey lounge Sunday night, his allegiance changing with each group. A die-hard Steelers fan at Chi Gam, Angarola mentioned to the girls in Fahey how he was "really just watching for the commercials."

-Bobby Hoover '14

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