Facebook officially welcomed spring to Hanover this weekend. In a flurry of activity brought on by temperatures in the 80s, Facebook helped the student body make a smoothe transition from 10W to 10S.
Brooke Hardington '12 helped Facebook officially bring on the arrival of spring with the creation of her new Facebook photo album entitled "10ShitIt'sTimeToRage". Hardington expressed gratitude for the season and wanted to commemorate its arrival with "A clever album name. Not just some stupid drunk quote from one of my friends." The album, with its Location: Outside!, replaced her winter photo album cleverly entitled "10WhyAmINotOffThisTerm?!?!" with its Location: Basements/Ragetown.
Hardington explained her ulterior motives for helping Facebook welcome spring, "I had already filled my winter album with 200 pictures of me posing with boys in basements. More importantly, I really needed a place to show off the fact that even though I'm not in KDE, I guilted a girl from my freshman floor into giving me a derby invite. I wore a nice Vineyard Vines dress with a sombrero and took a picture with every guy there. I'm publishing them 3 at a time to maximize facetime in people's news feeds."
Hardington is already making plans to help Facebook welcome summer with preliminary album titles of "10Xtreme" or "10XxXIfYouKnowWhatIMean."
Facebook began showing other signs of spring in Hanover on Sunday. Danny Blackshear '13 reluctantly took down his profile picture, which showed him jumping into frozen Occom Pond. Despite the fact that the ice melted over a month ago, Blackshear clung to his picture entitled "so0o0o frikkin cold" as long as he could to prove to his hardness to his friends at other schools. To help Facebook welcome spring, he set a new profile picture of him grilling with his dad during First Year Family Weekend while wearing shorts.
In a poll of Dartmouth students, polar bear swim pictures were voted the second douchiest winter themed profile picture, narrowly losing out to pictures of ski jumping with only pine trees and distant mountains visible in the background.
Facebook even helped students who weren't able to make such large contributions to do their part to welcome spring. Milo Chavis '13 set his status as "Spring has Sprung ;)".
Jeffrey Chillington '10 posted, "Time to bust out the pinny and rainbows for some Lax Lounging on the green."
Even Alex Nichols '11, an avid skier and all around winter enthusiast, got in on the action, posting "What the fuck hanover? it was snowing four days ago. JYK needs to take some lessons from Wright about how to work the weather machine."
Alex Weaver '13 added, "Milo Chavis is a douchebag ;)".
Facebook took extra steps to ensure that everyone got into the spring spirit by suggesting that all of campus "like" Girls in Sundresses, The End of Midterms, and Pollen.
Bored@Baker made a similar effort to promote the coming of spring. However its attempts failed to match those of Facebook and were met with only comments about how "SAE saw its shadow, winter will never end" and "Milo Chavis DTF?"
Students have reacted in force to Facebook's endorsement of spring, posting up on the green all weekend and even setting up an impromptu carnival on Saturday afternoon. Although it has been eight weeks since Groundhog Day and two weeks since the calendar start of spring, Claire Langle '11 summed up Dartmouth's view, "It's not official until its Facebook official."
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