Thursday, March 11, 2010

Dun-on-Dun with Bored @ Baker

Dunyun reporters sat down with campus leader Bored @ Baker for another installment of Dun-on-Dun.

Why'd you choose Dartmouth?

Piping hot girls. Am I hard guyz?

What's your plan after college?

AD pledge hopefully. Fingers crossed. Is it cool if I round my 3.6 to a 3.8 before Rush?

What are your thoughts on gay people?

DTF in the Stacks. Always.

What does it take to become newsworthy?

You click the button. (1 Newsworthy)

Are you single?

Been "interning" with Linda Gridley since Frosh fall. Yup.

Early in the Winter, there was tremendous speculation on the Phi Delt fire. How
do you think the Phire really started?

Initiation mission night for Novack winter pledges. Odwalla dome! Novack pledge term > AGORA > Blow jobs > the 50 yard line > First Floor Berry. What?

What do you do on campus?

Corporate recruiting.

What year are you?

'13 with the biggest boobs.

How do you get into Sphinx?

15 Agrees. 10 Newsworthy. And a Week's Best. That'll do it.

What's the most pressing problem facing our nation?

Our current budget deficit is so large that it's blocking out all private lending which consequently disables the economy's ability to correct itself. Plus we're spending $300 billion alone on the interest. Any girls down for anal tonight?

B@B has a lot of haters. What do you want to say to them?


What's your plan this Summer?

Interning at Gringotts. Fuck Goldman.

Anything else you'd like to share?

I'm gay.

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