Sunday, December 5, 2010
Sunday, December 5th, 2010
It's our first birthday! One year ago to the day, James Engle was sitting on Fourth Floor Berry with a full bladder, Frannie Mays was tripping balls on a Five-Hour Energy, Stephen Briggs was congratulating himself on finishing pledge term, and nobody had heard of Jayson Doubleday. We were muggles all. But James, Frannie, and Stephen were united by common cause: a desire to procrastinate, wasted writing talent, and a lot of stuff to complain about. And so we trudged on, making fun of more things than we knew were possible. Some people got pissed at us along the way. Oh well. Only God can judge me. And Dartmouth has no speech code, suckas!
A couple months into our time, Jayson imposed himself on our ranks, and we were too tired to object. The spring saw us starting to experiment with new styles, especially Briggs's signature "Dun-on-Dun" and "Dear Stephen" segments, and Frannie's unparalleled "Vox Querentis" rants, which have become staples. We took somewhat of a break over the summer, as Briggs was way too busy fratting to write, but have been back this fall, tired but determined. We're looking forward to our second year, which looks promising with new material, fresh styles, and some budding talent in the ranks.
To celebrate our first year, though, we've put together a fuckin' tome of new articles for you to read. We know it's finals and you're so stressed and you don't have the time to read all of them, but save this blitz and go back to a new article when you need a study break.
We love you,
The Dunyun
Saturday, December 4, 2010
Free Breakfast for Dinner Completely Compensates Students for Usual DDS Price Level
Monday, November 22, 2010
Vox Querentis: Wrong and THE WRONGEST
I have been done wrong. So Becky Gibson is this stuck-up, terrible girl with a whole group of cliquey friends that I’m not even about to try to talk to. They’re so mean and exclusive and they wouldn’t even let me join their Barbie Club EVEN THOUGH I served as loyal secretary to their Kittycat Tea Party Club for all of third grade. I spend most of my time talking to the assistant principal about how I think her and the Barbie Club are a downright poisonous element to the Adlai Stevenson Junior High community and in the meantime writing nasty letters about her to all my friends (and I know my loyal readers are used to seeing my anti-Becky opinions published in the weekly Fightin’ Amish newspaper, but today is reserved for the Jonas Brothers issue and I just don’t know where else I could publish an unsolicited and self-indulgent editorial on such short notice).
Friday, November 19, 2010
DREAM Extends Program to Choates, Eyes Move to River
In its mission statement, DREAM states its goal of providing an opportunity for the children to “see new perspectives” and “take advantage of community resources.”
Although the inclusion of Dartmouth freshmen into the program will undoubtedly make for the oldest “mentees” in DREAM’s history, DREAM president Allie Gordon ’11 professed her optimism in positively affecting those students of the Choates.
Thursday, November 18, 2010
Christmas Tree Given “Exempt” Status by PC Police
The PC Police could call out the tree on any number of grounds. The tree promotes a Christian-centric approach, as the most prominent location on campus is given over to a celebration of one specific religion. Other religions rarely get such prominent or long-lasting displays. But the tree in the middle of the Green is just so damn heart-warming, especially when it’s all lit up.
Wednesday, November 17, 2010
Dartmouth Holds Saturday Morning “Keyster Egg” Hunt for Hanover Youth
Tuesday, November 16, 2010
Giaccone launches new attack on Greek system, enlists PETA, admissions officers
Hanover Police has started looking for help from unlikely
sources in a new "creative" effort to "improve" the Greek
system, according to Nick Giaccone.
As the first step of the two-part plan--also known
as "Boost Webster"--representatives from People for the
Ethical Treatment of Animals will be invited to visit
Monday, November 15, 2010
The Need to Be Engaged
Let's back up a second. To be more exact, let's back up about two nights. I'm in the basement of Theta Delt, and I see a guy talking to girl. Let's call him Guy, and her Girl. He asks her to play pong. My friend, let's call her Friend, turns to me and comments about how he just wants to "get in her pants."
Friday, November 12, 2010
'14 Fails Midterm, Claims to Stop Caring
News in Brief
“Scream Save” Popularity on the Rise
The “scream save,” consisting of screaming while the pong ball hurdles imminently towards your cups (dropping the paddle is optional), has recently become a quite popular go-to move for Dartmouth students during games of pong. This challenging save takes great mental reflexes combined with poor physical coordination, as well as genuine concern about the consumption of Keystone and/or the loss of the game. Scream saves are expected to increase Kappa pong talent by up to 63% in any given game, and up to 80% when combined with team saves.
Thursday, November 11, 2010
AD Starts Bidding War for Spots to Supertails 2011
“Just think about it,” Shandell said. “Let’s say we didn’t sell these spots, but all of a sudden, Kappa wasn’t invited. Instead, Alpha Phi got invited. People would start to take notice. ‘Oh, maybe Alpha Phi’s on the rise. They’re pretty cool. They went to Supertails!’”
Wednesday, November 10, 2010
News in Brief
Tuesday, November 9, 2010
The Dunyun’s Guide to Pretending to be Good at Pong
Monday, November 8, 2010
Vox Querentis: Sorority Semi Scrape Scene Alliteration
The expectations are much higher. You’re either going with a friend-date, or you’re a clear mismatch with your date and there’s no chance the chemistry will align long enough for you to slip your tongue in. You’ve spent your entire night watching the couples around you get cuter and cuter, eventually going from a cute pong celebration to a full-on dance floor makeout. The basement starts emptying out, and only the dregs are left.
Thursday, November 4, 2010
Students Fail to Read Fine Print of ’11 Class Council Blind Date Offer; Are Bound to Name Lovechild “CC”
Wednesday, November 3, 2010
Stickers Validate Hundreds of Students as Good People
Tuesday, November 2, 2010
As the only woman writing for a virulently sexist publication, I have rightfully been assigned the task of researching all of fall’s most exciting new fashions! Even though fall term is well underway and we’ve already seen snow (or read about it on other people’s Facebook statuses), don’t break out that sleeping bag with sleeves you call a coat just yet! Because new fall fashion trends are still on the rise.
Monday, November 1, 2010
'14 Wins Game of Pong, Becomes Insufferable Douche
He spent his summer training intensely, playing "hydropong" for hours by himself, and used up most of orientation watching pong games absorbedly while jotting notes in a spiral notebook.
‘11s Fearing Impending End of Relevance*
It starts with social apathy. Seniors become too tired and bitter to go out on a regular basis. Or on any basis. Seniors hang out at off-campus houses. If they do make it out to the frats, they beeline for a brother’s room and hang out upstairs all night, unable to handle the crowds and the noise of the basement or even the first floor. Seniors become socially irrelevant.
Wednesday, October 27, 2010
Jack Stinson Ball-Taps Nick Giaccone for “Messing with his Livelihood”
Tuesday, October 26, 2010
Group of Upperclassmen Works to “Improve” Freshman Experience
Monday, October 25, 2010
14s Finally Starting to Realize their Trip Leaders’ Flaws
Thursday, October 21, 2010
Vox Querentis: Facebook is the Best!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Finally, someone has given me a platform to state my feelings about Facebook to a whole bunch of people! I almost didn’t get this chance but then the Dunyun told me they had nothing to publish today, and they follow a strict “no sober after sundown” policy so none of them are available. Anyway, I think I’m pretty funny. The funniest thing I do is spell plural words with z’s instead of s’s—that’s always a hit on the net. I get a lot of likes on B@B with that move. But the Dunyun told me that’s why I never had a date to prom and get bumped from Homeplate tables regularly, so I guess I’m not allowed to do that here. But oh well, this makes me a campus celeb right? I think I know a lot of people. I was proactive by friending them all last summer before freshman year started. People like that! When you show personal interest in them. Facebook is such a great way to meet people and let them look at pictures of you! I make sure never to forget my camera whenever I go out and me and my girls are just crazy. We love dance parties! My favorite part about Facebook is looking at people who are at dance parties. It doesn’t matter if I don’t go myself because that way my shoes stay nice and clean. Who wants to spend an extra thirteen dollars at Kohl’s the next time they go anyway? Not moi! LOL (can I say that here if I don’t use the z?)
Wednesday, October 20, 2010
“Cactus Project” Encourages Male Students to Get Better Acquianted with their Taint
Tuesday, October 19, 2010
Breaking: The Dunyun Isn’t Funny Anymore
Today, the Dunyun investigates itself, as numerous reports continue pouring in from anonymous tipsters that the Dunyun is no longer funny. The shift from “funny” to “unfunny” appears to have taken place gradually over the past ten months, deteriorating at roughly the same rate as Bored at Baker’s popularity, the percentage of 14s who are virgins, your optimism about your future, and Nick Giacconne’s self esteem. By our calculations, the shift to “unfunny” was most clearly realized over the summer, which is possibly related to the fact that internships kill all joy and laughter, and Stephen and Frannie blacked out for three months.
Monday, October 18, 2010
Football Team Uses Study Hall as a Tactic to Ease the Curve
Friday, October 15, 2010
Sorority Rush Indicates Lack of Hierarchy Among Sororities
“There’s no need to ‘win rush’,” said Hilary Rogers ’11, Kappa’s rush chair. “We’re happy to get a good group of girls, and hope that other houses have equal success. The sorority system is definitely not about winning anything. It’s about engendering lifelong friendships with a group of women.”
Thursday, October 14, 2010
Campus Perplexed by Sudden Appearance of Attractive ’13 Girls
Wednesday, October 13, 2010
VOX QUERENTIS “Fraternity Deliberations”
Hey, shut the fuck up! I’m trying to talk!
Tuesday, October 12, 2010
Vox Querentis
The Dunyun is pushing its first birthday, and as a growing baby boy (let’s face it, the Dunyun probably has a dick), it needs to expand its horizons, push its own boundaries, and generally learn how to be more strategically lazy. Thus, we bring you the all-new Dunyun Opinion section, Vox Querentis: The Voice of One Complaining. Think of it like the opinion section of the D, except intentionally funny.
Monday, October 11, 2010
A Day Off
Until then, here's a thought to tide you over:
If a quiz is quizzical, then what's a test?
Friday, October 8, 2010
Administration Threatens Spoiled Students with More Renovations
Following the punishing renovations to Thayer (never forget) this summer, which widely expanded the dining hall inward, students fret the administration may enact further renovations if we continue to take our spoiling for granted. Several sources closely involved with administrative decisions confirm that these extensive renovations have been part of a concerted effort to minimize students’ unfounded sense of entitlement to dining and living spaces that generally leave room for personal space and that don’t look like the inside of a hospital.
Thursday, October 7, 2010
Faulty Paddles Responsible for Pong Loss
Wednesday, October 6, 2010
13’s Insecurities Easier than Ever to Manipulate
Tuesday, October 5, 2010
The Dunyun Celebrates Its 169th Article
Monday, October 4, 2010
Anonymous Song Angers Campus with its Jarring Instrumentals and Auto-Tune
Friday, October 1, 2010
Career Fair Gives Undergraduates a Chance to Practice Real-World Skills
“My figurative fellatio skills were completely off,” said Robert Richman ’11, who attempted figurative fellatio on seven consulting firms and nineteen finance firms. “I was just figuratively fellating with my mouth, telling them how great their company was. I should have been figuratively fellating with my hands as well, gesticulating about the wonders of their industry. Gotta remember the hands in the future.”
Thursday, September 30, 2010
Tom Dent '41 Dies at 90; Still Cares About Trivial Disagreement in College
Celebrated Dartmouth alumnus Tom Dent ’41 passed away early Monday morning at the age of 90. In the wake of his death, his loved ones and we as a community cherish the memory of a courageous man who was never afraid to tackle issues of minor inconvenience, no matter how temporary and ultimately meaningless they might be. Despite the many important events of his life, including witnessing the bombing of Dresden as a soldier during WWII and once going over Niagara Falls in a wooden barrel, he never forgot about one trivial injustice that once befell him at age twenty-one.
Wednesday, September 29, 2010
"Emory Hires Ring of Korean Spies in Attempt to Crack U.S. News Top 10"
Tuesday, September 28, 2010
Professor Uses T-Shirt Cannon to Encourage Attendance in Large Classes
Monday, September 27, 2010
President Kim Drunk Blitzes Entire Campus; Feels Shame
Friday, September 24, 2010
Freshman Refuses To Stop Participating In Class
Thursday, September 23, 2010
‘11s Too Tired to Make Snide Remarks about Croo Hair
Every fall, a group of facetimey individuals returns to campus rocking tie-dyed hair. And every fall, other students feel the need to make snide remarks about how obnoxious it is to have hair like that, and yeah, we get it, you were on a Croo, and no, that isn’t a hint of jealousy in my voice. But now, man, we’re just too tired to rip on Croo people more.
Wednesday, September 22, 2010
Choice of Smoothie over Diet Coke Cements Healthy Collis Meal
Tuesday, September 21, 2010
'13 Hires Personal Pledge Trainer to Prepare Him for Grueling Term
So Hank decided to take the bull by the balls and begin his pledge term early. He hoped that his experience would put him at an advnatage in the process--his esophagus, and other schpincter muscles, would be prepared.
Monday, September 20, 2010
The Dunyun 102
Sunday, September 19, 2010
Elusive Commodity Known as “Social Capital” Revealed to be Primary Factor in Rush Process
Saturday, September 18, 2010
Seniors Stop Pursuing Hook-Ups, Start Pursuing Spouses
Mike "The Hallucination" McDonough '11 told The Dunyun, "Now, I've gotten the decade, the seven and the freshmen fifteen done. But man, it seems like every alumni met his/her spouse at Dartmouth. Straight from the DOC to the Chapel. Maybe I should start calling smushes back. I don't want to miss out on a wifey. If it don't smell bad, you might as well keep it. Right?"
Some seniors have resisted this revelation that they may have already met/smushed with their future spouse.
Nicole "Pookie" Steinberg '11 complained, "This is ridiculous. I know, let me tell you, I know for a fact that I've not met no husband. Just a bunch of pale, lanky grenades."
Friday, September 17, 2010
DOC to Add “Eat & Nap” to Next Year’s Trips Selection
Thursday, September 16, 2010
Freshmen Girls don’t yet Realize College isn’t like the Movies, Put out
Friday, August 20, 2010
Goldman Sachs Puzzled by Lack of Response to ‘Exciting Job Offer for Students’
Monday, August 9, 2010
Masters Victors Powered by Secret Source of Energy and Confidence
Nobody could understand the phenomenon. On Saturday, both teams from Sigma Alpha Epsilon fraternity made it to the finals of Masters, an annual pong tournament between fraternities. SAE, which is not normally known for its athleticism or success, does have one thing on its side: some kind of secret shared between the brothers that allows its members to feel and act differently than the opponents.
Thursday, August 5, 2010
Computing Services Announces Some Technicalities of Email Client Shift, Fails to Address the Future of Flitzing
Thursday, July 29, 2010
“13s Unsure how to Manflirt over the Summer”
Thursday, July 22, 2010
Real World "Full of Caspers"
Jack Rapaport ’11 is the discoverer of a phenomenon. In the library, in the dining halls, and in humanities classes, there are caspers. Caspers, according to Rapaport, are “girls who you see around and who seem really cute and cool and great and haven’t hooked up with any of your friends, but are nowhere to be seen on a Friday night. On a Friday night, they might as well be ghosts.” Since his discovery of this phenomenon, Rapaport has declared himself a “ghostbuster”, a man who finds these ghosts and “takes them down.” Ever since starting his internship in New York City, though, Rapaport has found that the real world is more “full of caspers” than he could possibly have dreamed.
Wednesday, July 7, 2010
’13s Gain Valuable Experience From Internships
He explained how this internship was preparing him for life after college, “I’ve only been here three weeks but I’m already ‘getting my hands dirty’ and learning all the skills I need to succeed. And to think that last year I though Excel and PowerPoint were just for middle school science presentations. Thus far I haven't actually found any other skills that you need to make it in finance.”
Wednesday, June 23, 2010
Working at a Kosher Foods Emporium Guarantees Action; Trend Sweeps New York
Tuesday, June 22, 2010
13s Try to Explain Pong to Friends at Home, Fail Miserably
Monday, June 14, 2010
Reason Behind Commencement Speaker Revealed
Friday, June 4, 2010
Publication Ceased Until Summer Term
This will be the last issue of the Dunyun until summer term when we will be replacing the Daily Dunyun with the Irregular Dunyun. We leave you with some inspiration on how to spend your summer term, our plans, and a final article.
James Engle '11 wanted to be original in his summer plans, so he decided to take an internship in New York City. The thing that he can't wait for more than anything else is to go out to bars and hear his finance friends talk about how much work they have, and how much money they have. But how it's justified that they have so much money, because they have so much work. And how the hours really aren't that bad, once you get used to them. He hopes to avoid the asshole virus by washing his hands after every time he touches somebody wearing a suit.
Frannie Mays '11 will be tripping balls on 5-hour energy at all times, looking for ways to make bitchery profitable as it is her only usable skill (internship with Omarosa?), and reuniting with Waffle House. She will also be terrorizing our youth in the sweltering heat of the tobacco industry hellhole known as Durham, NC. She will hit bull and win a steak. She regrets to inform you she is unavailable for 10X booty calls.
Stephen Briggs '12 is returning to the birthplace of Jon Bon Jovi for a fortnight, politely asking his Grandmother to remove sleeves from all his shirts and then returning to the Bubble for 10X. Briggs is currently holding one class, Astro 4: Staring Down Stars but may take more! He hopes to finally learn how to swim this Summer, discover where Hillel is (but still not stop by for Shabbot, sorry Grandma) and pick a perfect Masters bracket (July Madness). Oh yeah and frat frat frat.
Jayson Doubleday '13 will be trying to learn how to correctly use blitz and waiting to steal blitz nicknames currently belonging to ‘10s over interim. He is returning to the largest city in America (land wise), where he will be napping competitively and looking for a new pickup line since "I write for the Dunyun" is unlikely to work. In his free time, he is making up for 19 years of light to moderate physical activity by doing calisthenics, running and wearing lax pinnies so that he can impress '14s on his DOC trip next fall. Go Braves.
Students Fight for Facetime During Finals
Thursday, June 3, 2010
Student Watches Everything on YouTube
Wednesday, June 2, 2010
Berry Sees Series of Strange Disappearances
Tuesday, June 1, 2010
HPo to Launch “Icing” Sting Operations
Monday, May 31, 2010
Friday, May 28, 2010
Student Develops Social Life iPhone App
Thursday, May 27, 2010
Dear Stephen
Wednesday, May 26, 2010
Letter to the Editor
I like how AD was the frat that held the forum but Phi Delt is the subject of the article. It seems the Dunyun has tarnished its previously sterling reputation as an unbiased source of news. I'm guessing 80% of the Dunyun writers are AD's anyways.
Dear Halfwit:
Tuesday, May 25, 2010
Forum Fixes Everything
Monday, May 24, 2010
’13s Attempt to Secure Hookups for Summer
Thursday, May 20, 2010
'13 Has "Worst Week Ever"
Wednesday, May 19, 2010
College to Offer Gold Star to Students Who Graduate Without Taking Gut Classes
Tuesday, May 18, 2010
Dun-on-Dun with Jim Gusanoz
Monday, May 17, 2010
The Dunyun's Green Key Lost & Found Update
Sight of my values @ Gammapalooza (May 14) jesusluvsme
Actual sight @ BG (when was (U++ER again?) n00b
3 pounds of EBA’s weight @ upstairs bathroom of GDX (5/14) twobyfour
Beard (may have gone home with someone else)@ Sig Ep, (5/13) lightintheloafers
Eight games of tree and all dignity @ TDX (5/11) hardguy
3 teeth on the moon bounce @ frat row (5/14) drunkisthenewblack
Birth control pills @ AD, TDX, or Phi Tau?? (5/14) mommy2be
Control of bowel movements @ Convention (5/15) softguy
Track of all-liquid diet @ TDX pig roast (5/14) kappakween
Virginity to every member of Filligar @ AD (5/14) luckygal
Consciousness @ Chi Gam (5/14) 2fast2furious
Baseball signed by “Baby Ruth” behind the Sigma Delt fence (5/13) smalls
$300 in online poker @ Biscoh study lounge (5/13) fadedasfuk
All discretion @ TDX (5/14) dteffortless
My parents’ respect @ Phi Delt lawn party (5/14) itwasbehindatreethough
A bid to every house @ the block party (5/14) itwasbehindatreethough
A pint of blood @ Tri Kap (5/14) stairsaretricky
A bet that I wouldn’t drunk dial my mom again @ Novack (early morning 5/15) schloppy
At least 100 future votes for Senate seat in New England @ the block party (5/14) triplelegacy
An entire car @ ?? (5/13-15) probablydead
.3 GPA points @ BannerStudent transcript (5/15) all-campus listserv
Inner child @ Panarchy Rave (5/15) Xstatic
Actual child @ Panarchy Rave (5/15) maryallen
Fuckbuddy in the Choates @ Tri Kap (5/11) cougar10
16 wallets in various jackets @ TDX (5/14) finderskeepers
Jesus in an upstairs bedroom @ AD (5/14) womandoneright
A reason to break up with boyfriend from home @ AD (5/14) womandoneright
Bicuriosity @ SD (5/14 Cheeseball) AniDiFrancoluvr
My calling as a British noble @ Convention (5/15) Marquee
Nalgene of gin in the back of an ambulance @ DHMC (5/14) stonecoldsteveaustin
The G spot @ the middle of the green (promptly lost again when the Sun God appeared) (5/13) husbandmaterial
An entire car on the front lawn @ 14 Webster Ave. (5/14) PrezKim
Friday, May 14, 2010
Professor Forgets that He Cancelled Class
Thursday, May 13, 2010
'13s Tweak Personalities for Pre-Rush
Wednesday, May 12, 2010
Dartmouth Females to Look Good for the Second Time This Term
Tuesday, May 11, 2010
Very Few Deaths at Room Draw This Year
Monday, May 10, 2010
Dear Stephen
Friday, May 7, 2010
‘10s Going to Miss Dartmouth; Dartmouth Not Going to Miss ‘10s
“Just fucking graduate already,” said Mark Lafferty ’11, the House Manager of his fraternity. “If I could take a shovel and move these assholes out of the house, I would. I have a little calendar set up in my room with X’s counting down the days to graduation. That’ll be the happiest day of my life: when I never have to deal with those fat pieces of shit ever again.”